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понедельник, 4 июня 2012 г.

How do i get views on youtube

How to get youtube views

If you have videos on YouTube you may have found out how hard it is to get plays. Many people will upload videos and expect hundreds of automatic hits to come in. This is rarely the case. What happens is they will be lucky to get a dozen views and as the weeks pass a few more hits at best will trickle in.

I'm Use a Service To Get Views. There are actual websites which offer services for getting views. They will find friends and subscribers based on your interests or will simply increase view counts in other ways to get you over that initial hump of having only a handful of views on your videos. Once your views get into the thousands then it gets ranked higher, more attention gets drawn to it, and the snowball effect occurs where it keeps growing and growing. But you first need to get into that thousand view range. This is where a service can help tremendously.

Here is an excellent services that can give you thousands of views on your YouTube videos:

Shorten URL

What's a URL shorteners?

URL shorteners can be used to shorten long URLs (please also note that you may shorten virtually any URL you want to, the URL does not have to be long!).

So for example if you have a somewhat long URL like: has 107 characters)
You can use an online URL shortener to shorten your link to something like: (which has only 18 characters)
or... (which has only 20 characters)

My best list Shorten URL's Services